Shinzo Abe & The Meaning of Being A Great Nation!
Shinzo Abe & Japan: The Meaning of Being A Great Nation!
Shinzo Abe & The Meaning of Being A Great Nation!
Japan is the Greatest, Respected, Honorable and Most Powerful Nation in the world.
Shinzo Abe is the Best leader Japan has ever had, who has just resigned due to health issues. The New PM is Yoshihide Suga who has helped Abe through the years.
New Election September 2021
New PM Fumio Kishida former foreign minister of Japan.
My respect to PM Abe, for proving to me in recognizing the meaning to Courage, Fortitude, Strength, Hope, and Faith to what a Grand and Mighty Nation is and means.
Japan over came the Evil that befell them.
Japan is the Literal Meaning of Over Coming EVIL. Japan is GREAT; the Pearl of Asia.
The Diamond of the Mountains, The Gold of the Money Kingdom, The Spirit and Strength of Heaven; The Life to the Living.
They are the RISING SUN to Earth.
They swallowed up the bombs of evil including surviving two Atomic bombs dropped on innocent Women, Children, the Elderly and their Men, who were murdered with over hundreds of thousands of Japanese people.
They have faced the worse of worse, and they prove without a doubt how decent, honest, magnificent & glorious they are in over coming Horror and Terror, from the depths of Hell inflicted upon them.
Including the Atomic Bombs from the United States of Terror !
No country on earth has experienced the horror in being bombed with two Atomic Bombs, wiping out thousands of innocent people.
Japan is forever the Mirror of Reflection to what will happen to your country, if bombed using Atomic Bombs.
Japan and Shinzo Abe; is the meaning to overcoming Terror.
Let’s truly think about what Japan has gone through.
The first mention of the Japanese archipelago was in the Chinese historic text Book of Later Han, in the year 57, in which it was noted that the Emperor of the Han dynasty gave a golden seal to Wa (Japan). The King of Na gold seal was discovered in northern Kyūshū in the eighteenth century. From then on Japan was repeatedly recorded in Chinese historical texts, at first sporadically, but eventually continuously as Japan matured into a notable power in the region.
The first Opium War (1839–42)
Commander Matthew Perry Bombs Japan to open Opium Trade: 1852–1853
Japan knew that Hong Kong was stolen and seized by Britain’s Opium Trade in 1842.
Japan Leadership refused Opium in their Country.
The US wanted it’s Own Asian Hong Kong Territory, and Perry was going to deliver Japan.
China Dynasty fell in 1912 because of the Opium Wars.
Chinese military and political leader Chiang Kai-shek joined the Chinese Nationalist Party (known as the Kuomintang, or KMT) in 1918. Succeeding party founder Sun Yat-sen as KMT leader in 1925, he expelled Chinese communists.
This meant China was in a State of Civil War.
Japan an Island Nation, wanted and needed Trade with China. Japan was against the Opium Trade forced upon them and China by Western Opium Traffickers.
Japan could not have normal Trade with China when the Western Drug Dealers were interfering in China, causing War.
So now Japan was facing not only limited Trade with China because of the Opium Wars, but later in time, faced with China embroiled in a Civil War.
And the fact that Western Drug Dealers were stealing other Kingdoms throughout the Asia area, meaning Hawaii.
This is why Japan bombed Pearl Harbor to free Hawaii from the Corrupt US Military Establishment.
On January 16, 1893, United States troops invaded the Hawaiian Kingdom without just cause, which led to a conditional surrender by the Hawaiian Kingdom’s executive monarch, Her Majesty Queen Lili‘uokalani, the following day.
To this very day, Hawaii wants it’s country returned to them. They do NOT want to be a member State of the United States of Terror. People don’t know the real reason and truth to why Japan Bombed Pearl Harbor.
It was after many years in the hope the US would leave Hawaii, that Japan came to it’s rescue to remove US Military Occupation Forces from Hawaii.
It has been the US & UK through the years that has caused the Wars and Conflicts in Asia, inclusive to the War in China, and the impact to Stop the US Opium Trade Cartel that funded the Kuomintang & Chiang Kai Shek.
“Japan won the War, when Terrorist Truman dropped two deadly Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”
Truman Murdered Innocent Women, Men, Children, & Elderly in Japan.
Truman did it, to stop Russia. Think about that !
To answer the question: YES Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a WAR CRIME.
If that isn’t the meaning of insanity I don’t know what is .
Why didn’t Truman use the Atomic Bomb on Russia instead?
The US is who created Hitler in Europe. The US Financed Hitler, and Hitler finally fell when Russia invaded Berlin, and ended the Nazi US Funded War.
Thank God for Russia.
But now Russia is sentenced to Hell for being led by madman lunatic Vladimir Putin.
The Normandy invasion was done to create the State of Israel.
Eisenhower, as head of the American occupation of Germany in 1945, deliberately starved to death German prisoners of war in staggering numbers.
The victims undoubtedly number over 900,000 and quite likely over a million.
Japan was/is aware of US and UK Drug Trade Aggression in taking over other Countries and Territories. They do not want to fall to the same fate.
Time continues:
Japan realizes it needs to help China end the Civil War, and Kick Out Western Influences.
They had to setup a location in China. It was Manchuria.
Japan wanted to honor the original Trade Deals it had with China, so the Communist Party was the chosen side to support, because it’s Governing Style was similar to the China Dynasty in their eyes.
Do you think China Communist recognize this?
No. Their only concern was to remove all Foreigners from China, including Chiang Kai Shek, Westerners and Japan.
Because of the troubles with establishing Trade with China, Japan sought trade with Korea. Japan encouraged the modernization of Korea.
However, the Min clan, including Queen Min betray Japan, and Koreans.
Again Japan faced more trouble and jeopardized Trade, by Korea who’s Queen Min wanted to promote Russian Influence in Korea.
Never mind that Russia was an expansive Mainland Territory, who wanted to take over Korea.
In 1895, Queen Min was assassinated by Korean & Japanese assassins, who killed the queen after her seeking to promote Russian influence and oppose reform.
Japanese and Korean Assassins did not want to see Russia taking over Korea or the US.
Nonetheless Japan is blamed in Korea and Japan faces yet another obstacle for trade and feeding it’s nation.
With Civil War going on in China, with the US and UK imposing Opium in China, and now targeting Japan, with Korea now betraying Trade with Japan, just what is Japan to do?
Sit back and Die?
Japans only choice was to help Free China. Go and fight to stop the Civil War going on there.
Many Japanese lost their lives to the many battles, against US Opium Dealer Chiang Kai Shek.
Japan goes into China a Foreign Country to help End a Civil War there. That’s what is boils down too. Japanese die in a Foreign Country to end a China Civil War initially started by Western Drug Traffickers.
MAJOR NOTE: is the fact it was during the 1930’s when the Great Depression took hold of Society and the Economic Crash.
The Great Depression was caused by the Corrupt Western US Federal Reserve.
Caused by the Trafficking of Opium, and conquest to take over other countries.
The US was supporting Chiang Kai Shek with their corrupt money for his Opium Trade, and funding him and the War in China.
Japan was against Opium and Chiang Kai Shek, who controlled Nanjing.
Chinese call it the Nanjing Massacre.
How do you get rid of Drug Dealers, while your own troops are starving, your country being taken over by Western Drug Dealers, who already had control of China, during a Worldwide State of Economic Depression?
Japan Soldiers after losing their Country with no Trade because of the Western Drug Dealers, are going to be agreeable going to War against other Asians who are coerced to support the Drug Dealers?
—-HELL NO—-. The Madness and Horror of it all, and was.
Killing people because they were out to kill you, while they supported the Drug Trafficking Criminals.
Then blame it all on Chairman Mao, and Communism ?
Even Western Society locks up Drug Dealers today.
China executes them.
And how does a leader of a country have control of every soldier in the ranks? They don’t.
And you cannot pardon them, like the Idiocy of Richard Nixon in Pardoning Lt. Cally for the Mai Lai Massacre in Vietnam.
And the Idiocy of Trump, who is as much a Terrorist, as the Terrorists he Pardons.
If there is a God… he is one Big Son of a Ditch.
They like to blame Japan for having Comfort Women?
So tell me, what women would Japanese have in their Own Country if they had a country, that is being invaded by damn US & UK Drug Traders, and no Trade from neighboring Countries who are suffering because they too were invaded by the Western Drug Terrorists?
They claim Japanese Soldiers were cannibalizing and eating POW’s.
Just what do you eat when you have no food, and being shot at, and bombed ?
What? Eat dogs like the Chinese do?
So Japan is Bombed and Fire Bombed by these US Lunatics, who were funding Hitler in Europe.
And Press a dent Dumpster has the audacity to say Make America Great Again ?
Trump and his US and Israeli cohorts HATE JAPAN.
They Targeted the TWIN Towers as one of the reasons on 911 because the WTC was designed by Minoru Yamasaki.
On September 20, 1962, the Port Authority announced the selection of Minoru Yamasaki as lead architect.
Trumps Father Fred the Head Guru of NYC Real Estate hated Minoru Yamasaki.
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is the above link to the below Saga.
(* note need to remove (the equal = ) then connect the link to make it work.
It’s the only way for me to show you the link.
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Japan has been a Victim for nearly 200 years. and they have over come.
No other Nation has been through such duress and they are clearly Honored and Respected.
Shinzo Abe & Japan: Is The Meaning of Being A Great Nation!
The US Owes Reparation$ to Japan, and also remove all US Troops.
It would save Americans, Trillions in Tax Dollars.
China Owes Japan Respect and Gratitude for coming to their Aid, without them even being aware of this FACT.
And Korea should be Thankful for Japan or they would be Russian’s Today, not Koreans.
My prayer is Nuclear Weapons, and Nuclear Power Facilities are Banned around the World, and the world promotes Trade and Bans Sanctions as well.
Also Oil Cargo Ships Banned as well. Protect the Environment.
Nuclear doesn’t work. It’s a Risk Accident waiting to happen.
We need to Ban War, Ban Nuclear, and help people have a Country, Home, Food, Education, and Medical Care.
The reason there are so many —Akiya 空き家 —homes of 8 million in Japan, and is growing, is because of the Corrupt Federal Reserve Banking System, the US Government Forces on Japan, and other Countries around the world.
Akiya means abandoned homes.
This is small potato’s compared to China with over 64 Million empty homes, and abandonment, because of the corrupt US Western Federal Reserve Banking Cartel.
And because Japan refuses to recognize it won WWII, not lost it, The Japan Government- submits to the Corrupt US Banking System that enriches itself and the Criminal Elite who control the US Federal Reserve; which Bankrupts Society instead of creating Prosperity for everyone.
Note: The Real Economic Financial Plan:
Thanks Japan and Shinzo Abe. The Best.
BEIJING, CHINA – OCTOBER 25: National flags of China and Japan fly in Tian’anmen Square to welcome Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on October 25, 2018 in Beijing, China.
At the invitation of Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will pay an official visit to China from October 25th to 27th. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)
Atomic Bomb Photo’s:
Other Great Leaders of Japan:
New PM Fumio Kishida, former foreign minister of Japan.
Yoshihide Suga the New PM of Japan
Shigeru Ishiba
Shinjirō Koizumi
Dominic Jermano…
Fuck all you murdering bastards. You're sentenced to Hell you pieces of God Damn S!hit