The Farce of the Presidency Systems in the World.
The Farce of the Presidency Systems of Government in the World.
Democracy; and all Governments today is a Farce and Scam from the very beginning.
Politicians lie and steal your votes, and the people are left helpless, and angered, with no jobs, and subjected to pay extortion taxes to Criminal Politicians who use the Military and Police to run the Government.
To think Criminals control the Police and Military is the meaning of insanity. The USA isn’t even a Democracy. It’s a Corporate Oligarchy.
This is what Joe Biden needs to do, to heal and Unify the US.
No more Presidents. That is the problem. The truth is elections don’t work. They focus on the candidates instead of the people. There is opposition in everything. Instead of electing a candidate we should setup a council of people. A Round Table. 9 people who on all issues votes concerning the topic. Each party has their Round Table.
Each party pulls 9 names out of a hat to represent them for 2 yrs. Each 2 yrs. they do again. Each party governs according to time served. In other words The Democratic Party Round Table serves 4 yrs. and when times up, Republican Party Round Table serves for 4 years.
It’s agreed that neither party infringes upon their right to govern. No single candidate is the focus of animosity, fraud, lying, Corruption etc. It is the Council of the Round Table that votes concerning the issues. The hate disappears, and people go about their business in supporting the ideals of the Council. U.S. Government Democracy is the problem.
It is Rankerous and Always Bad. So people consider getting rid of the old, and establish the new. The U.S. Government is an out dated corrupt system. It’s like being a plumber to fix a leak, by using cracked pipes to fix broken ones.
It is never fixed.
People have the right to form their own type of Governing System, that is fair, and reconciles to prevent the bad, and promote the needs, of the new times.
An old Constitution is worthless in the New Times, given its corrupt history, filled with nothing but sorrow and regret. So my prayer is people change the process, and really consider the real meaning of draining the swamp, means a new system of Governing.
They alienate their own Party Candidates instead of being supportive to each other. Look what they did at the Democrat Party, between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
The Point is they should all be The Executive Office Council Leaders and helping each other, instead of comparing who is better than the other.
One Guy controlling everyone is the stupidest idiotic thing that could happen to people who call themselves a Nation.
The Entire System is setup to ALIENATE EVERYONE.
They didn’t like Kings in the Olden Days, so they decided to Vote for a new KING every 4 or 5 yrs instead; is Stupidity at its finest.
They run out of Oil Resources, and invade other countries, murdering their own people to do it on the 911 inside job to give the excuse to wage war against Terrorism, when they are the Terrorist.
The United States of Terror Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II. Get it through your head!
Any Country with such a diabolic past as this, is NOT A COUNTRY, but a Terrorist Regime.
Oh you need more proof ? :
U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People Since World War II
No one person should have such assumed Presidential power, because it is not reality.
A Government needs to be run by the people who have the real responsibility for the real well being of the State from which they reside.
* The People are who reside and decide their fate by having a Nation Governed by a Council of Members who write and propose their opinion consensus on issues per the well being of the nation.
No one Person man or woman is held in esteem, and therefore the esteem is per the wishes of a Council for the People.
No one person is blamed or targeted for malfeasance, because it is a Council not an Office Holder.
● The Executive Council decides.
To claim one person decides, is in direct opposition to the reality of claiming it has anything to do with the people.
In China it is called The Peoples Republic of China. Not the Xi JinPing Republic of China.
In the US it clearly states We the People, not Me the President, Truman, Nixon, Bush, or Trump, or the PM is me.
One cannot have Go without Stop, we cannot have Open without Close. Also cannot have On without Off, or Up without down, or Day without Night, Work without Rest, Happy without Sad.
This is the reasoning to One cannot have Democracy without the many people.
And both do not agree upon and within their own systems. Democracy is as destructive to itself as Dictatorial Communism, and vice a versa.
And so the divisiveness within Nations causes the Political Hate because people are too dumb to recognize they should manage themselves according to the Common Consensus, needed to Establish the Executive Council for the people.
Consider the madness with Brexit in the UK, in which the UK Government never works, for the People being controlled by a Rich so called Queen of England who sits back and watches a so called Democracy work that doesn’t work and so therefore doesn’t work in the European Union Either.
They all rely on this stupid notion that one leader called the President or PM will do everything, and it’s impossible. And really Illegal if you think about it.
I assure you so called Press a dent Dump would NOT have been given the right to Assassinate General Soleimani a Head of State of Iran.
Just as we Stop to let others Go, so they can stop so we can go, so we can Open something be it a door to exit, or a can of beans, we would not have the ability if it was not closed so we could open or close it from the good it therefore represents.
Just as we turn something on, having it on without an off would be harmful, especially in an Elevator when you went Up and need to go Down, in order for it to stop to go down to the floor you wish to exit upon.
I assure you, Governments need to change.
This will eliminate the need for Military’s, Violence, Chemical Nerve Agent Gas, and Nuclear threats that bombard our society on a daily basis, while we slowly see ourselves slip into oblivion of hate and terror.
So how do we do that?
The people apply themselves to be a Council Member, with Recommendations from their peers. All the applicants consider each applied members qualifications, and therefore decide among themselves and choose 9 Council Members, representing the Peoples issues.
The Leadership Council having 9 members will attend to the affairs of the State and Nation they represent.
The old saying goes more thinking heads are better than one, to achieve the good to the nature of society.
If and when Council Members have differing opinions to a issue, all Council Members make their opinions known. Upon the established opinions, for the good of the people are then compared and the opinions that follow in favor to a similar opinion in recognizing the desired outcome, is then held as the approved desired Opinion.
This means it is not a vote, but a Comparative Analysis. Also to note, it does not mean that the similar Favored Opinions are held forever; given a New Council after 9 years may have NEW Opinions, given to the conditions of the times, and circumstances.
In concern to Money:
Money is not based on Gold, or Debt.
Money is based on the fact that mankind is created by God in his creation of the world. The world began through the intelligence of God or an Entity that no man can deny was created and is present in this day and age. Its based on clean nonpolluting Energy.
Therefore Silver & Gold have no real Value, since they cannot produce the clean energy to do things.
Since no man or human can understand where life comes from or where it goes, makes that point the highest value in concern to understanding value is based on motion toward life and what is living.
So it is my hope the World moves toward The Executive Office Council Leaders for the good of Humanity.