There is no Legal Capital In HONG KONG John Lee!
● John Lee,
I am informing you there is NO LEGAL CAPITAL since the year 1694 in the World.
You are totally unaware of things, or you're a Liar. Maybe you're a Thug?
I am trying to get through to you. Not confrontational. Sweet kindly words go in one ear and out the other, with no brain registering.
So...are you a Thug, like the Triad Boys in Hong Kong ?
●●● Hong Kong is nothing but Illegal Capital.
And China was sucked into it via Criminal Richard Nixon, bribing Chairman Mao.
Instead of taking back control of your Finances, Mao accepted the bribes with higher exchange rate conversions.
Your Government became complicit murdering Thugs for Israel via the United States of Terror. The very same Evil bastards who orchestrated the 911 inside job.
They get all that cheap Chinese Labor, to sell the goods they produce at higher prices in the US and abroad raking in the profits, to fund their Terror, Murder, Robberies, and Theft.
● In fact the Thug British or truth be known the German Monarchy in the UK controlled by Jew Rothschild won the Revolutionary War in the founding of America. Not the other way around. The War was all about Banking. They did the same in the War of 1812.
● Just like the so called Handback in 1997 of Hong Kong to China. Sure they handed it back, because they control your Banks, and control China Banks. And is yet another reason they murdered Princess Diana.
Why you think the China Banks and Developers are Collapsing? The very same reason the US Federal Reserve Bank caused the Great Depression in 1929 that later caused in 1939, WWII.
In other words you let the United States of Terror own you. You are their complicit Terrorist for them.
They take your money to Fund their Criminal Wars and Terror.
Its not even Politics. It's unending War.
Look what they are doing to Palestine, cold blooded murders. Israel Zionist so called Jews, murdering people. Rothschild are Zionist Jews.
Now Iran is bombing Israel.
Look John....I am trying to get through to you, so you don't look like an ignorant dummy, where your only purpose is to smile, wave to people, and shake hands.
You ever hear the phrase? A million dollar body and a 5 cent mind?
That's the same road you are on. And you live on the corner of Dumb and Ignorant St.
And no ...Universities don't want you to know the truth, because they are controlled by the Criminal Rothschild Banking System.
China is not going to save you, unless they as well dump the United States of Terror Banking Cartel System in both Beijing and Hong Kong.
● I ask you?
How do you go along with the United States of Terror who is now so far in Debt. it will never be paid?
And they put Sanctions on you.
Are you a Joke?
You're Banking on Bankruptcy. Now...that isn't even funny!
XiJinPing likes that murder blood money. He suck$ the Chinese dry, so the US can continue its Terror across the Globe.
You claim you want money?
Then setup your own Banking System. A Banking System that is in your Government, that helps everyone.
A Banking System that ends Homelessness, Destitution, and helps the Elderly and Handicapped.
Isn't that the kind of Banking Hong Kong needs? Just think....never possible to go Default or Bankrupt ever again.
Its a system that ends Renting, Evictions, Speculation, Inflation, Defaults, and Bankruptcy.
■ And stops the Cancer of Scams going on everywhere.
You know very well all the Criminal Money Laundering going on, with Banks initiating the Criminal behavior, with their CEO's misguided intent to save their precious jobs.
Them all following the Corrupt Rothschild Banking System Brainwashing, from their control of the Universities, and Media.
John ...they are the FAKE NEWS, you claim is Bonafide News.
Why wouldn't you want the following Bank System?
Tell me John. Why you need a profit, and to inflate prices, based on a whim, when you can get any loan you want for a property that you need and want to live in, for zero interest.
It's not about increasing fake value on Property so you can gain profit, that puts the BANKs further in debt.
In fact its not Profit. It's theft and robbery.
And is the Profit Scam since the birth of the Thugs of Rothschild.
Profit true meaning is
advantage; benefit.
"there's no profit in screaming at referees from the bench"
You should do.
I'm helping you, find God.
Kind Regards,
Dominic Jermano
Information Specialist