Why the goal is to ~Not~ be a Billionaire.
Why the goal is to ~Not~ be a Billionaire.
Billionaires are liars and frauds, acquiring Fake Wealth via the Scam Criminal US and China Banking System.
Oprah Winfrey :
How are they Billionaires when the Nation they live is so far in debt it will never paid? More like they are Bankruptionaires !
Larry Stink Fink of Blackrock.
DiCaprio Jho Low Life
How is it Billionaires have more Wealth than any Elected President or Government Politician?
No one voted for them. Yet they hold all that money, and in turn buy the entire Political Process, and buy up all the Property in their so far in debt country it will never be paid.
Or you're a pathetic Trillionaire, Zillionaire, who thinks he or she can buy the entire World.
It makes the Free World not Free, but hijacked, buying what they want.
You do know slaves were bought, to make them work for the Billionaire Slave Masters.
A prime example is the thief and liar Donald Trump, who claims to be a Billionaire.
Billionaires are the meaning of Inflation. They want to constantly increase everything, extorting the real meaning of value.
Why is society the slave to Billionaires?
Billionaire is another word for Dictator.
Now you know why XiJinpPing hates Billionaire Dictators, more rich than him.
The same with his Russian Pal Vladamir Putin and Nuclear wackjob fatboy Kim Jong UN.
Notice how UN's name is similar to the U.N. United Nations. Yeah... mind your own brainwashing !
So you're going to vote for a Billionaire Dictator President?
Now that's a laugh! Or in reality its really a Sad State of Affairs.
Now consider a President or a Dictator who is not a Billionaire, and those Billionaires don't give him money, meaning he is subservient to them.
What? The President is going to be a beggar, to the Billionaires?
What? The Presidents in the world aren't scratching their heads wondering how these Billionaires have more Power and Funds than in the Presidents wallet ?
So in order to get money, the President borrows Billions of dollars from the Bank, and makes everyone pay for it via taxes, except the Billionaires .
Is that fair? Especially when he borrows that money and uses it for stuff the people never voted for him to do.
How is it a President can order a Billionaire to give him his money ?
Instead the President will file corruption charges at the Billionaires in China like XiJinpPing does.
He bolsters his Communism as being good against the Billionaires, and for the people which is a total lie.
Meaning its not true. He is just jealous he is not the Billionaire.
Which means he's not truly against Billionaires if he was one.
But why does anyone want to be a Billionaire ?
Saudi Prince MBS..More Bull Shit..
Billionaires should be banned as Dictators are despised , and Democracy as the sole reason to vote for a legitimate system concerning the "issues" of Housing, Work, Food, Healthcare, Religion, Culture, Transportation, and Nonpolluting Energy Resources to use.
Now if you are the Religous type, were any of the Holy People such as Jesus, a Billionaire ?
Jesus was not a Billionaire, but he is the son of God, who provides without money.
It is man who imposes money on society to distribute Gods Goods. In other words, man steals from God who provides freely.
Because its not good to seek to be a Billionaire aka Dictator, does not mean you are a Monk, like in Buddhism.
Monks rely on the giving from the Billionaires.
In other words Good relies on Evil to survive?
Too many people do not understand this.
“Let’s not forget these two Terrorists Rothschild and Rockefeller.”
When we vote on issues that need support, we don't need money.
This is so we don't Cheat and rob Gods Giving.
Think about it.
You really think Billionaires are in Heaven ?
I know they are not.
It is hard for those who trust in riches to enter God's Kingdom.
Mark 10.23: “Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!”
1 Timothy 6:17-18 offers divine instructions for the wealthy among us. The passage reads: “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle than a Richman to Enter the Gates of Heaven.