I have information you should know, that will make all those moronic Thugliticians eat their own SAR words!
The information is EVIDENCE.
...I am in Hong Kong. Giving you the design insight to expose them of their own incompetence and Bullshit!
Especially Paul Chan Mo Po.
Hope you capture the design ideas in your mind, thinking of my Projects I have been working on since a kid, battling the Corrupt Murdering United States of Terror.
The design of honest truth, is a hard idea to accept .
Why? Because its not about design in my opinion its about a way of life. A way of life that is not here yet. And the madness keeps spewing from the SAR...stupid ass retards, around the Globe.
Some Good News is that at least one of the madmen, Rothschild, was finally sent to Hell where he belongs in this year of the Dragon. .
You think when you become a Billionaire you've reached success?
Think again.
I battle God and the Devil everyday, because I didn't sign up for this mission of life on earth, to die. I have my ideas that attribute to a God that doesn't murder us all in the End.
Consider God created the handicapped, the neglected, the homeless,
so Paul Chan and his Thuglitician pals can ignore them, while drinking wine and watch Prostitute Taylor Swift Pole dance her twat and hijack Hong Kong like Messi did.
My words of truth are like a Gushing unending Water Falls, with a ROAR that sweeps away all the Pollution that stands in its way.
The conclusion is God should only snuff out the Evil Thugs.
You should take your time reading. Especially the Links. You'll gain a greater understanding of what's going on really.
My pursuit is doing whats truthful and good. Not becoming a complicit fool to Scamming Money Laundering Bankers, Lying Politicians, and the so called Rich Elite, who are really the Gangsters and Thugliticians.
The US Government created Covid.
China used Covid to stop the Riots, they caused.
The following is information you should study and realize.
■ I'm here wanting to Make the Legitimate clean real money for Hong Kong and Eliminate Hong Kong Debt. Hong Kong is a unique place, unlike anywhere else in the World.
I am trying to convince Paul Chan Mo Po, and his SAR Pals, like John Lee Ka Chiu to abolish and DELETE ALL Hong Kong Debt.
Then setup Hong Kong's new Banking System.
John Lee Ka chiu, is really clueless about Economics, and connecting the dots, like all the rest of the Politicians in the world.
He thinks opening the door wide for Chinese coming into Hong Kong will help HK Economy, when in fact its a huge liability, with Chinese trying to leave China because of XiJinPing Corruption allowing Banks and Developers to go so far in debt, they are collapsing and going Bankrupt.
John Lee Ka Chiu says this is Success! And encourages Hong Kongers to go to China to reap the poverty XiJinPing Government is creating, with massive debt that will never be paid, because of his reliance and complicit ity in helping the United States of Terror.
If he had a brain he wouldn't be sucking up to ShitJinPing, but telling him to do what’s right, instead of doing the corruption he has done.
● The Debt HONG KONG incurs today is -Not- even their Debt.
Its from the Corrupt Banking System that was forced upon on Hong Kong for many years, by the Criminal Rothschild Banking System!
Good News: Year of the Dragon slays The Terrorist Rothschild who also funded the 911 inside job.
God sent him directly straight to Hell.
You think this is a coincidence ?
Think AGAIN !
When Hong Kong abolishes it, you become Debt. Free, and can provide funding for your own Hong Kong legitimate Transactions and Projects.
Hong Kong Thugliticians need to Stop thinking Foreigners are going to bail you out.
They can't, because they too are Rothschild victims.
They are more bankrupt than Hong Kong.
Paul Chan Mo Po doesn't get it through his itty bitty SAR brain!
The Rothschild Banking System is the cause to all the Debt and Financial Crisis's in the World for Centuries. They funded WWI, and WWII Funded Hitler . They are still funding War in Ukraine and against Palestine.
What ?
Paul Chan wants these terrorist #ucks to come to Hong Kong and have a 4ucking Party while his Elite Thugliticians as his guests are murdering people.
What the living 4uck is wrong with this moronic piece of 5hit!
●Rothschild caused this Nightmare madness by funding the Atomic Bomb.
They have Murdered as many people as the Fake Money they hold in all their Corrupt Vaults around the World.
Why anyone want to be a complicit thug and be their slave, working to fund their Terrorism?
Use their Criminal Banks, to help them endlessly murder people. Is that the design and goal?
The Idea to help them murder people ? That's what Paul Chan Mo po wants !
I am telling the truth. They did the 911 inside job I personally saw happen that day.
The Solicitor General for England and Wales, acting on behalf of the Attorney General, has once again denied the Campbell family’s application for a new inquest into the death of Geoff Campbell at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
People for 911 Truth, and Hong Kong Government need to understand Rothschild is the main insider of orchestrating 911.
He controls the SAR Banks. And they are based on 2 systems ....
1) China. 2) Terrorist Rothschild
How does that even look or smell right?
And you have a XiJinPing who helps Terrorist Rothschild, who is Bush, Bloomberg, Buffet, Carlyle Group, Blackrock, Blackstone, Vanguard, and basically the entire US Wall Street Stock Market, Treasury, and Federal Reserve Bank.
They are not your Friend. They are Terrorist Basturds.
And you wonder why China has Ghost Cities of nearly 80 million empty homes, Evergrande Group Collapses, and more?
Then the Riots in 2014 that led to the 2019 Riots, that led to Covid 19, that is leading us to the next eventual horror.
When are we going to stop helping Thugs who hurt everyone ?
You don't know about all the illegal Money transfers from the tenants in the WTC that were money laundered in London prior to and during the 911 inside job?
London is where? UK. Rothschild lives where? UK.
Tony Bliar is from where? Same corrupt backed up Toilet.
He is Pals with Bush, to get that money to join the Coalition that invaded Iraq.
My question are they running a Government in Hong Kong or always trying to have Party Celebrations?
They lock up people who are not in the Partying mood, because they have no job, no money, homeless, living behind Elevators and under bridges, begging for money. I know many homeless people in the Streets. Some living in McDonald's for over 11 years.
I'm from the U.S. I know how these thugs get away with murder, since 5 years old watching the assassination of President Kennedy, on T.V.
Its been nothing but nonstop terror. After personally in NYC that day seeing 911 unfold, I knew I am going to leave and Renounce my Citizenship. I left Nov. 21 2001 after being invited to live and work in China.
I've been here since, despite being Robbed, Assaulted, Illegally Arrested, Illegally Imprisoned and Tortured not only in China, but also here in Hong Kong.
And although terrible what they did to me, the United States of Terror is much worse.
Our present problems are because of the Carlyle Bush Gangsters and the 911 inside job.
They refute evidence -Claiming it is a Conspiracy- which is bullshit.
They don't even know the meaning.
A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
● How is revealing questions with answers a conspiracy?
Its like saying the Real God and Religion who doesn't murder us all in the end is a Conspiracy.
I know Evil never wants to admit its wrong doings.
● On September 24, 2001, the Belgian Finance Minister, Didier Reynders, was confident enough to publicly announce Belgium’s “strong suspicions that British markets have been used for 911 money laundering transactions.”
The president of Germany’s central bank, Ernst Welteke, was the most adamant: “What we found makes us sure that people connected to the 911 terrorists must have been trying to profit from this tragedy.”
These foreign leaders were not alone in their conviction that insider trading had taken place.
University of Chicago Finance professor George Constantinides, Columbia University law professor John Coffee, Duke University law professor James Cox and other academics as well as well-known options traders like Jon Najarian all expressed their belief that knowing insider investors had traded on advance knowledge of the 911 attacks.
Read the Facts:
I have Projects I want to do. And given my situation, I am still planning somehow to do. And want to help in Hong Kong, because this is the real living idea.
I am no pro Billionaire wanna be.
I am ~Pro ~ my Projects.
If you're in the desert and no water; are you dreaming about money to buy some water, or just to drink some water?
Of course, to find some water to drink.
Then knowing all those Banks, that are Fraudsters, Liars, Terrorists, and Murderers of the money; them being the Hot Desert of Hell, I ask myself?
Why I want their Rothschild Blood Scam Murder Money, to buy water?
In reality....
You and Society, unknowingly seek their blood money to do your good.
●Tell me how Evil Money creates Good ?
Its like saying Hell is Heaven and The Devil is God !
And that is what I am about.
Battling the Corrupt Banking System that has everyone NATIONS AND CITIES in Financial Debt, from the Fake Value of Real Estate, what I call Scam Real Estate Speculation.
Nations so far in debt it will never be paid.
Yeah I want Gods money, and I don't want criminal money for my needs in life.
I rather have the Good Banking System that needs to be created.
$ God's Currency.
God's Establishment Monetary $ystem.
● And please know, I am not calling you Criminals.
The US Government likes to use Sanctions against People and Countries they don't agree with.
And I contend, that's good, because now the US can't hijack your Finances any more, can't impose their Criminal blood money on you anymore.
They like to brainwash you into thinking it hurts you, but in reality helps you over come their corruption.
Many people are trapped in this Economic Nightmare, not even aware of the fact, the money they get is from a Blood corrupt Banking System, that has murdered millions of people. Money people unknowingly want, for over 8 Centuries .
Article 23
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People's Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies.
I Wish to get your up most attention.
Hope you can handle hearing the Truth.
I want to inform you that in order to implement and have a legitimate Basic Law Article 23, Hong Kong needs to establish it's own correct Gods Banking System.
We want legitimacy for Hong Kong, then the World Currency needs to be pegged to the Hong Kong Dollar.
Not addressing this means Treason Secession, Sedition, Subversion against the Central People's Government, and theft of state secrets, while unable to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region. Namely the United States of Terror.
Presently Hong Kong Banking System is under seige by the Criminal Rothschild Federal Reserve Bank.
The History Books claim the British took control of Hong Kong for 100 years, and they gave a handback, but it was meaningless because they still control the Criminal Banking System, that controls Hong Kong and you. Things are not good, because of them.
The ROTHSCHILD are Evil Lying Thugs, with them living in the U.K.. They are the problem and have caused misery and bloodshed since and before the days of Napoleon Bonaparte.
The Rothschild banking family of England was founded in (1798) by Nathan Mayer von Rothschild (1777–1836) who first settled in Manchester but then moved to London, England (at the time in the Kingdom of Great Britain). Nathan was sent there from his home in Frankfurt, Germany by his father, Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812).
The UK is really Germany, and all the so called Colonialism is by Germany not the U.K..
● I'm not talking 5hit !
The UK Monarchy has been German for Centuries. King Charles today is German.
They shouldn't be blaming the UK for the Opium War, and the nonsensical handback, especially knowing Rothschild is also German, and look at the murder they have done to the world with their Criminal Banking System.
Germany caused the Opium Wars, Germany caused the Colonialism.
Not the U.K. who were as much victims as Hong Kong was in those days.
They created WWI and WWII and the unending belligerence . They have always been the Western Military Industrial Complex Funders. MIC : Murder Innocent Children.
They are who support the bloodshed and Genocide going on in Palestine.
They also fund NATO concerning the War going on between Russia and Ukraine.
I am fully aware of this, and is why I renounced my Citizenship of the United States of Terror after personally seeing the 911 inside job, losing my job then invited to China.
911 was financed and done by Rothschild, and other US Government Thugliticians. Including Bloomberg.
■ Michael Bloomberg is connected to the Carlyle Bush Gangsters Thugs.
I know how to solve the Banking Problem. It saves Hong Kong who will benefit.
Things you should know...
I was Robbed, Assaulted, Illegally Arrested, and Tortured, not allowed to work, no home, no family.
This is the Nightmare I have been living and going through, and strive to make you aware of things, to turn the Nightmare into a New Dream, by establishing my God Worthy Projects in Hong Kong.
I do not support the US Government, nor its criminal Banking System.
I am no complicit thug or fool.
If we want a Basic Law Article 23, there needs to be the correct Banking System.
It is not being sucked into their Scam Federal Reserve Bank, that is a Private Corporation Cartel that prints money from nothing, that's called Fiat Money.
Their intent is to collapse China and Hong Kong.
You see the recent on going Bankruptcy of Evergrande Group.
And its much worse.
I need to build my GEM Gods Electricity Machine, that I was doing in Nanning in my House that was robbed from me, by XiJingPing.
The world is currently in a crisis. It faces a Global Climate Crisis from Pollution factors, from the use of Coal, Oil, Meth Gas, Nuclear, etc. that should remain in the ground.
We should not use Nuclear Power, because of its radiation threat. You all know the problem in Japan from Fukoshima, and in Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Not only that but also used in making bombs.
Now if you think trusting that Fat guy in North Korea in building Nuclear Bombs, and think you have a competent XiJingPing who trusts that idiocy, then you definitely have a mental problem.
Because its an accident waiting to happen.
● I have my GEM Gods Electricity Machine Project that solves our Energy Problem. Its better than Solar and Wind Power, because they are limited.
The sun doesn't shine at night, and the wind doesn't always blow.
● My GEM Gods Electricity Machine needs no nature influence to operate. And will run 24 hrs a day, and can be placed anywhere, and made in various sizes that accomodate Wattage needs.
● The GEM Gods Electricity Machine also makes Water, New Air, and Hydrogen Gas at zero cost. And lasts over a human life time.
Its not about transporting Hydrogen.
Its about making the GEM at the refilling station's made on site. Its about using the GEM Gods Electricity Machine to make Electricity and Hydrogen that makes even more Electricity to power the Speed Trains that tour around the World. No Pollution. No airliner hijackings to crash into skyscrapers anywhere.
What makes Hong Kong the place is the 2 System designation. That is if Hong Kong has it's own Bank System.
No other place in the world has this.
● So in order to provide the benefit not only to Hong Kong and the world, it has to be born here in Hong Kong.
Then there is the Banking Crisis that has been going on for over 8 Centuries.
All the Universities in the world, and still they have not fixed it. Is it because they are SAR? STUPID Ass Retards?
All the PhD Degrees they hand out are in the Profession of how to LIE, MURDER, TERRORIZE, and get away with it, enticing the ignorant to hand over their money, for their FAKE DEGREES.
They create War, Terror, Insurance Fraud, Murder, Misery, and Genocide, killing innocent people in their homes just because they are trapped in that particular oil rich territorial Country.
Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan.
● Yeah Afghanistan !
The Amu Darya basin, spanning Afghanistan and Tajikistan, is estimated to contain 962 million barrels of crude oil and 52,025 billion cubic feet of natural gas, according to a 2011 assessment by the U.S. Geological Survey
AND... to benefit who? The Thug Bankers controlled by Rothschilds Federal Reserve Bank.
The US is the biggest Terrorist of them all.
With their only focus on the Territories with the Oil Reserves.
Right now Ukraine and Palestine. With untapped major Oil Resource Reserves.
So not only am I showing how to stop the Bank Corruption,
AND to End War, for the grab of Oil which is killing us all anyway from its pollution.
Again ....These are my Projects.
So I ask you ? We want to support Police and Military the rest of our life?
Ask yourself why are there Police, why is there Military?
Why Wars constantly throughout History as far back as you can go, and even Wars TODAY 2024.
Mostly because of people doing bad things.
But why do they do bad things?
Because of the horror Economic Conditions they are forced into, by the Corrupt Banking System, their Fake Universities, they sandwich together into making so called brainwashed respected Communities in Society for their Poison Corrupt Coverup Communist & Swampington DC Governments.
●How is telling the Truth Sedition ?
Or its Greed, and this creates Lies, and so Police are the protectors, so to speak.
But even they succumb to not wanting to be in their position, and the only reason they are is they need the job, and nine times out of ten, money that is laundered through the Poison Corrupt Government to keep their so called legitimacy of control.
But they end up eventually failing.
● History proves it, because they don't and didn't know how to fix it, so the problems keep getting worse and worse throughout time.
Look at the Wars the World has faced. Especially during the early 1900's.
My real Idea's fix things.
All to the point it will be we don't need Police anymore, because the people have what they need, and no need to be a Billionaire or a Beggar.
Money can't buy everything but we can end War, and Homelessness.
You'd think they would have Article 23 established in year 2023, but they didn't now its 2024. I suggest its now Article 24.
You need to realize...
I am doing my duty to make you aware of the Financial Criminals in Hong Kong.
Keeping you abreast of what's going on, and out of trouble, even though you never hired me or met me.
|Year of the Dragon| is to Clean House TO..... kick ass.... meaning the Arrest of the FINANCIAL THUGS IN HONG KONG.
☆ There is no City or National Security when you allow Henderson Group in Hong Kong to be connected to the US Carlyle Group who are the main Terrorists who orchestrated the 911 inside job, in New York City on September 11, 2001, that I personally saw happen that day losing my job.
● Why don't they arrest Lee Shau Kee of Henderson Land Group, who is involved doing business with the United States of Terror Carlyle Group, "better known as" Bush, Baker, Buffet, Bloomberg, Cheney, Trump, Pentagon, US Military Industrial Complex Group MIC ?
● And Arrest Li Ka Shing for also doing business with Terrorist Carlyle Group.
● They don't want to face this dirt on their own faces, given your XiJingPing was shaking hands with the US Terrorists, who did 911.
How is Xi any different than Jimmy Lai, they have falsely Imprisoned?
Jimmy Lai with Trumps Enemy Mike Pence.
● What? Jimmy Lai wasn't doing what XiJingPing advocated and did, by inviting the United States of Terror into China and Hong Kong.
● And its a fact XiJingPing and Carrie Lam handed millions of rmb and hkd dollars over to Erik Prince, another US Government Terrorist of Blackwater who murdered innocent people in Iraq to setup his new Mercenary FSG Office in Admiralty in the very same building where China Hong Kong so called Patriot Judges and Lawyers have their offices in the Gilt Chambers.
● Ever heard the term? Gotcha by the balls!
They can't deny this shit !
Li Ka shing is the head CEO of CK Hutchinson Holdings Limited. They own Hong Kong Electricity on Lamma Island, constantly polluting the Air.
● Vanguard is also connected to Terrorist Carlyle Group who is a major shareholder of 0001.HK - CK Hutchison Holdings Limited
They do nothing to the above proven facts of these 2 so called Billionaire Rich Guys in Hong Kong who support US Terrorists, yet their pin-up boy is to prosecute this no money guy Jimmy Lai.
In other words blame a guy who doesn't have the money, to keep the spotlight off the Billionaire Thugs.
There is a thing called Complicity of Crimes, and Covering up for them.
The US via Bush & Carlyle and other US Corporate Bank Money Handlers, such as Vanguard, and Blackrock created and caused the Collapse of Evergrande.
■ Make note: Blackrock, Blackstone and Blackwater are 3 CIA Companies working for the same Terrorists Bush Carlyle Group.
With XiJingPing I call ShitJinPing holding the door wide open for Bush Carlyle to come in, and take over China Citic Group.
And what happens to Mr. Corruption himself XiJinPing ? Nothing?
Him handing over China funds to Carlyle Group to fund the US Military to murder people, and Bankrupt China and Hong Kong Government .
What Fucking National Security Law ?
Ask yourself why you allow these Carlyle Group Thugs into Hong Kong, and China when they fund the United States Military Complex?
Maybe its the same reason to why Carrie Lam let Erik Prince come into Hong Kong to setup his FSG Frontier Services Group Mercenary Company.
With Hong Kong and China Government giving him millions of dollars.
Yeah, that's right !
Even let him setup his Office in the very same Building in Admiralty where you have your Lawyers and Judges at the Gilt Chambers.
■ Paul Chan Mo Po only interest is how to Fuck over Poor, Elderly, Handicapped, Jobless, Homeless people for the United States of Terror Thugs.
Even let Erik Prince setup Mercenary MURDER Office in the very same Building in Admiralty where you have your so called Patriot Lawyers and Judges at the Gilt Chambers.
That's what they mean by National and City Security? Or Article 23? Sedition to them is a cartoon book instead. I see...
In other words inviting Hong Kong to become a War Zone Target ?
They want to take over China and Hong Kong Financially.
These Financial Thugs cover up the 911 inside job.
And caused the Evergrande Group Liquidation.
This is what Evergrande Group should and needs to do.
● Likewise, the Entire Banking System needs to do this.
It is not about just setting up your own Bank System as XiJingPing has been advocating and doing with BRICS.
BECAUSE it is merely a Copy of the Bank System of the Criminal Rothschild US Banking and Federal Reserve Bank Cartel.
Just because BRICS would own it, instead of the West, doesn't mean it escapes the Criminality of its operating System.
The Western Banking System is a complete Fraud and Scam to Society for Centuries, causing War, Terror, Misery, and Environmental Damage to Everyone on Earth.
■ What I want to inform and educate you on is a Banking System that works, and is Legitimate.
In fact this System I propose will end the idea of Forclosures, Liquidation, and Bankruptcy.
● The Real Root God Bank Design.
It permits existing empty houses in China to be sold, providing Evergrande its needed revenue.
It also will assure funding for necessary projects, such as my Sky Garden Estates, that creates long term jobs, that I want to do in Hong Kong, by doing this at the Evergrande Group Property Site in Yuen Long Hong Kong, and other places you approve, in Hong Kong.
There are many abandoned Properties that can be converted and rebuilt toward these great project ideas.
Including building the GEM:
Gods Electricity Machine
☆*- €vergrande Group purchased the property in Yuen Long from Henderson, that was Agricultural land.
My project Sky Garden Estates is about Agriculture for homes for living.
One key reason for the Collapse of Evergrande is Henderson, who is connected to the Carlyle Group, the thugs involved in orchestrating the 911 inside job.
□ Vanguard is very much connected to Henderson, and Carlyle Group
● My Project.
My Project assures~ No more Ghost Cities.
● Evergrande should not be handing over these funds to their creditors, unless they accept the new Real Economic Bank System Plan.
And certainly not to any US or UK or EU Bank Syndication, that are all connected to the Criminal Rothschilds who originally created the Criminal US Federal Reserve Bank Cartel.
The problem is not Evergrandes fault, but because of the US Criminal Banking System XiJinPing let into China and Hong Kong, that uses Real Estate Speculation that causes the unending increase of debt, which leads to Insolvency, Bankruptcy, Foreclosures, and Inflation, that ultimately leads to criminal activity such as money laundering, and massive scam operators and operations around the Globe.
I need to Educate you on what concern this is to me.
■ I have the Evidence .
You and they can't deny it.
♡ To help Hong Kong and my dearest. I lost her during the riots. I am still searching for her. :(
I am informing you my information, so to make you aware, so you don't continue mistakenly lie when you advertise or advise for talents and asset clients, for design change, come to Hong Kong when in fact you just recyle, them into the same criminal corrupt system, while handing over their funds to the Carlyle Bush Gangsters, to fund their Murder Empire.
In other words. IN THE KNOW People are NOT...SAR...STUPID ASS RETARDS.
In other words so you are not being sued for malpractice, and misinformation that leads Hong Kong straight to hell, instead of being Heaven.
● I ask you? What if the ICC the tallest Building in Hong Kong caught fire and collapsed as was what happened to Building 7 in New York City?
What would you do??
And who would you believe???
Now consider how XiJingPing became Pals with the Bush Carlyle Group Hijackers who did 911.
Carlyle Group is yet another large private equity firm with a long list of controversies.
Carlyle has been accused of profiting from war and conflict, as well as from environmental destruction. The firm has also been linked to a number of corrupt politicians, in the US, China, Hong Kong and including former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos.
And now ShitJinPing is seeing the result from that, with China Banks and Developers going down the Bankrupt Toilet.
● I call it Complicity, Corruption and Criminal. CCC. Or is it CCCP ?
China Government knew very well why I came to China, so to not be a US Citizen anymore, and to not become a complicit thug helping the Bush Carlyle Hijackers who took over the US Government.
So the China Government via XiJinPing connected to the Carlyle Bush Gangsters who did 911, Robbed me, Stole my house in Nanning, Assaulted me, Illegally Arrested, and Falsely Imprisoned, and Tortured. Including here in Hong Kong.
They ...Never gave me Citizenship or my Hong Kong ID Card here or there.
11 years in China just after 911, then 12 years in Hong Kong, forced into Hong Kong by XiJingPing Thugs, so they could steal my house in Nanning, and my Worldwide Train System idea.
How do they do this to me?
How do people do these terrible things to me, and no one held to accountability?
How is it Law doesn't protect me? But it protects the Criminal Thugliticians and Billionaires, with Police taking orders from the Thugliticians who pay them with the blood money they stole.
You have Billionaires in Hong Kong connected to the Carlyle Bush Gangsters.
Lee Shau Kee of Henderson Land Group,
Li Ka Shing CK Hutchinson Holdings Limited.
Doing business with Carlyle Group Terrorists, the biggest Military Contractor in the U.S. who did 911.
Proof : Nano-Thermite was found everywhere in the debris of the fallen WTC buildings, on 911. Thermite cuts steel. Thermite can only be acquired through the US Military.
Carlyle Group is the main Contract Financer of the US Military. In fact they fund the majority of the other Contractors, such as Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.
■ NOW Think about how China and Hong Kong connected to Bush Carlyle Group takes their funds and gives to their Criminal CIA Pentagon Military Establishment.
To our own detriment !
Are you seeing the reality truth?
Do you smell the burning incense from the deaths?
And they claim to want a National Security Law, and Article 23 ?
So those Laws are meant to assure their complicit connection to the Carlyle Group Bush Gangsters, including Blackrock, Blackstone, Vanguard, and all the US Thug Corporations connected to them?
I am telling you these things, because it affects me, and I'm not Joining or going back to be a member to the United States of Terror.
Not my fault where I was born.
So you should know and be Aware.
No one else is telling you.
Especially XiJingPing.
But I am informing you, with all my heart, because I love my dearest who is native Hong Konger who has disappeared because she is afraid, because I am exposing the Carlyle Bush Gangsters, and because of the terrible things the Police, and Immigration, and Corrupt Court did to me, and her while they leave us in dire destitution.
You want to know or not?
YOU WANT TO BE LEFT IN THE DARK AS AN SAR? stupid ass retard, helping Terrorist Carlyle Group Bankrupt you all, even in the US?
Forced into Bankruptcy ?
I'm not the enemy. The Government, is.
So are they helping me, like I have been helping them all along?
They never answer or reply. Why? I know why. They're afraid.
Hope you Realize. I'm not afraid. Truth is Truth.
I'm warning about the Terrorist Carlyle and US Banking Thugs they have here in Hong Kong, and in the US
Sweet Dreams, or Terrible Nightmare ?
When the shit hits the fan as they take over the Airliner controls by remote control AI, leaving the Pilot useless, and glide it into one of any skyscrapers, in Hong Kong claiming Terrorists from Palestine did it, don't say I didn't warn you.
● In January 2024, Israel reported that it discovered a "massive" stockpile of Chinese weaponry used by Hamas.
Your Paul Revere,
Dom Jermano
Hope you consider Truth and we can work together, in Hong Kong.
I have my Projects, I need to educate you about for Hong Kong .
I also encourage you and Hong Kong to start your own Bank System, where you're in charge of your Budget, and the well being of the People, while Eliminating Debt that isn't yours, is not Equitable, and never Legitimate.
Foremost Not being controlled by any other outside Foreign Banking System Manipulation.
Especially China, hijacked by the United States of Terror.
My Projects,
● Feel free to contact me .