Solving Homelessness and Any Border Crisis, Caused By The Dysfunctional Immigration System in the World !
Immigration is really about Homelessness. And the fact dealing with what causes it. There are many factors, and this has been a Worldwide Problem for Ages. It causes War, Scam States, Dictators, Communism, and therefore the immigration debate.
I have Projects and Solutions to End Homelessness and the Immigration malise.
If you think the U.S. prevents Homelessness, think again !
This is what the world needs at their borders. Not building Walls.
Heck: China built their so called Great Wall and it certainly didn't work. So why people don't learn from the mistakes in the past? China has been in their Dictatorship Dynasty Nightmare for over 5000 years, and still have not learned.
And the U.S. Government wants to follow failed Wall Plans? I guess the Berlin wall doesn't enter their mentality.
But China isn't the only failed fake State.
I support UK Brexit because it got rid of the unfair Taxes levied at the UK to pay. The EU is not like the USA, where States support the Federal Government.
Individual Countries can never become States. They are different Cultures.
Presidents of Countries are not willing to be looked upon as Governors of their State in the EU. And when do people in those EU Countries ever vote for President of the EU?
There is no such Election.
But that is a good thing.
The EU is technically an evolving Project. Why need taxes, if they use my Banking Reform, that, ends Debt, Bankruptcy, Foreclosures, Inflation, and Speculation.
I have projects and seek support, to implement, that will help you, and everyone, in Europe, The UK, and Globally. I believe you will agree with them.
I am also here with a Real Legitimate Banking System. It will also End Homelessness.
Homelessness is a Worldwide Problem.
The Politics, is the Stage of Actors between Democracy vs. Dictatorships, of Religions vs. the Various Persuasions of Belief.
Of the Handicapped and Disabled whether Physically, Mentally, or Old Age.
Of the Refugees, and Asylum Seekers, here in Hong Kong with the Communist Government not allowing them to work to make money to support themselves and others.
Of the Mad Lunatics who create senseless Wars, with Terrorism, Terrorists, Riots, Drug Users, Drug Dealers, Sex Traffickers, Virus Manipulators, Smokers, Alcoholics, Murderers.
And of course the Wreckless ABUSE of the Environment that causes Waste, Climate and Earth Disasters, via Floods, Hurricanes, Typhoons, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Extreme Heat, Droughts, Tornados, and Wildfires.
I am here to help and make you aware of what we can do.
The UK with Prince William, are working toward Ending Homelessness, and solving the Environment Problems.
This is how we use Brexit to END Homelessness . I also explain the New Banking System, and what we must do for Democracy in the UN.
And when we have this awareness made known and implemented, there will be no need for the Scam EU, who robs Countries via Taxes they are never allowed to vote on.
These are the Projects and type of Greenhouse Housing I call Sky Garden Estates that needs to be built.
My GEM: it makes Pollution Free ELECTRICITY, Water, New Air, and Hydrogen Gas at zero cost once the machine is made and paid, and lasts over a human life time, better than Solar and Windpower and needs no outside nature influence to operate.
The Bank System Plans :
I myself am Homeless in Hong Kong.
So is my Hong Kong Dearest Winnie Kwok. Living under tarps and umbrellas outside a Buddhist Temple Park. Herself homeless since 2019 because of the Terror unleashed by the Terrorist China Communist Government, invading Hong Kong.
I am reaching out, to tell my situation, and asking questions.
My name is Dominic Jermano. I am a Problem Solver, Creator, Inventor of the GEM Gods Electricity Machine, Founder of Gods Environment Church, Teacher, Finance Banking Specialist, Electrical, Civil, Mechanical Engineer, Moralist, Realist, Historian, Evolutionist, Critic, Author and Writer.
My question is, how do we do good things, controlled by Evil Banks and Criminal Governments?
When they do bad to you, and others, why should we do good to them?
Take for instance the crimes by the biggest Banking Thugs in Hong Kong HSBC. See controversys..
Are we not submitting and giving the Evil Forces legitimacy? Are we not becoming a Complicit Thug, Money Laundering Terrorist Murderer as well?
Forgiveness, is when the Evil Forces are no longer in control.
But when they are still in Control, how does anyone with any logical sense think they can Forgive ? HSBC proves they keep doing their dirty deeds.
Why would anyone want to support or do Evil?
Maybe this is the billion dollar question?
How do you give pay raises to Teachers, when it comes from poor student parents, being forced out the door into Homelessness?
Isn't Education about helping people, students out of poverty? Why then is Education creating Poverty? And the Educators want more money. But they are not Educating, they are also victims of poverty.
I have very good ideas and plans, but unable to do, given the State of Governments, and the Banks they support wrong doings. Why aren't these bad operators shut down?
They hit you in the face, and then want you to say nice things about them and work for them.
● This is my view on Asylum, which the U.K. and Hong Kong suffers from.
EU Members should remember many from Europe became refugees including my Great Grandfather from Italy forced to abandon his homeland because of the likes of Mussolini starting Fascism and inspiring Hitler. Germany didn't start the War. It was Italy and Mussolini who started Fascism.
I don't know if you know, but Mussolini started the Vatican and Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic, never knowing this. And now I'm not Catholic, but follow the real Church which I believe is Gods Environment Church.
There should be no Asylum. The UK suffers from an overload of Asylum Seekers. To stop this, the World Laws on Asylum need to change.
Asylum is replaced with Tourism with a set time frame status by travelling to the numerous countries locations. People are allowed to work, and follow the provisions in buying Property and qualify for Citizenship.
They stay in Tourism Hotels to go to another country location. Money once provided for Asylum is used instead for the Travel Expenses.
This is how people in Hong Kong can acquire Financing for a property. They could do this in Hong Kong. But you think the Communist Government agrees? And why I want to help them after the terrible things they did to me?
My plan assures the Bank is never left in debt, and holding the bag. And not waiting around for 30 years to get their money. And not get caught up in their shenanigans.
For instance...I get a loan per their 30 year Mortgage and during that time, discover the Bank breaks the Law.
Why I need to be tied to their Banking Fraud, using my money I pay the monthly loan, so they turn around and use to pay Criminal Fines levied against them.
Why am I helping them?
Do this at the Borders.
●●●This will halt and stop the flow of immigrants coming into the EU and Nations around the world.
There will be Library Schools, Healthcare, meaning how to care for oneself, so you don't need useless vaccines.
And setup their own pollution free Train and Electric Golf Cart type transportation.
Ocean water can be used, to setup Salt Lake areas, to bring Water into the areas to create evaporation and rain in the area, with the GEM powering Desalination plants creating fresh water, and can also create floating Cities and neighborhoods that help migrants and provide the solution to reverse Climate Change.
My GEM Project Gods Electricity Machine makes Pollution free Electricity, Water, New Air and Hydrogen Gas at zero cost once the machine is made and in operation.
It lasts over a human life time. And is better than Solar and Wind Power needing no outside nature influence.
●And I want to also include my other Project in creating :
I have developed the Clean Energy Security Project and Plan. I am trying to help Hong Kong, for my dearest Winnie .
I was invited to China after personally seeing the 911 inside job losing my job, later invited to China to teach English.
I don't want to be American Citizen anymore, because is very dangerous and insane Lunatics and Politicians. I think migrants to the USA are not better off whatsoever.
China I discover are big time liars, thugs, thieves, and corrupt. They don't follow their own Laws.
They stole my house I paid for in Nanning, when Communist Dictator XiJinPing crowned himself Emperor for life.
Told me go to Hong Kong to renew my Visa and they refused, and China mainland refuse allow me back to Nanning, where they stole my house, and everything I owned inside selling it for double the money not asking or telling me, or giving me my money.
XiJinPing first stole my Worldwide Train System idea, using it to make himself President of China. He called it BRI Silkroad initiative.
I am not going to do my GEM Gods Electricity Machine Project in the USA. Only in Hong Kong.
In the meantime I am sending this email about what is going on, and is very important information.
I am originally from the U.S. and renounced my Citizenship after personally seeing the 911inside job in NYC losing my job, that day.
NOVEMBER 28, 2022 Hong Kong Communist finally release me from Jail after 3 months.
They illegally arrest me. While in Jail they refuse to give me a lawyer, detaining me illegally.
In Jail they claim a US Consulate came to see me since I am from the U.S.. When we met, in the Dention Center I see she is Chinese. I ask her for her name. She refused to say.
And I asked for her ID that she was from and worked at the US Consulate. Again she refused, and I refused to talk to her. So this is not limited to just the US, but I am aware, that can and is also the case with the UK Consulate in Hong Kong .
Why I want to tell Chinese my information to the UK, after being here in Hong Kong going on 10 years, and previously in China 12 years, forced to Hong Kong when ShitJinPing came to power stealing my Worldwide Train System idea .
I want to do my Projects .
I've been assaulted, robbed, illegally arrested, tortured, illegally detained, and what I call being~ Raped ~ by Hong Kong Police, and Immigration.
I have my invention the GEM: Gods Electricity Machine and do not want to build it i China because they are Dictator Communists, who have robbed assaulted, tortured, and imprison me.
I seek support to support you.
Just because I was born in the U.S. does not mean its my country of origin.
My view is to help Hong Kong as the first priority, and is not the U.S. It wasn't Hong Kong who robbed and assault me, it was China and U.S. who did.
It concerns Clean , at Sky Garden Estates, a New Currency $ and Banking Reform that not only ends Inflation and Recessions but also puts limits on Nation Debt, Taxation, Removing Debt from Victim Nations, and adds Debt to Aggressor Attacking Military Nations.
This plan does what the Marshall Plan never addressed, and what the Great Depression and 2008 Financial Crisis failed to do, which has caused the current Global Financial Derailment.
Clean Energy that is produced from the GEM is the Environmental value of the New Currency.
The EU & UK will later benefit by helping me get money for the place and materials to build the GEM. The GEM produces Pollution Free Electricity 24 hours a day.
It needs no outside Nature influence and is better than Solar and Windpower. It also can produce Water and therefore able to produce New Air and Hydrogen Gas at zero cost once the machine is made and paid.
It will last over a human life time. There is no fear of pipeline leaks, or shipping accident spills, Oil leaks, Nuclear Radiation or expensive drilling.
Its the safest and most reliable means of producing Clean Pollution Free Electricity. Solar is only good during Sunlight hours or non cloudy days. Windpower you never know when the wind will blow how long or suddenly stop. And unable to control the speed.
~The GEM runs 24 hours non-stop, and can be placed inside buildings, or UNDERGROUND or any where.
It will support any Electrical needs, and makes the most abundant nonpolluting infinite clean energy resources on planet earth, creating Hydrogen Gas at zero cost.
Sky Garden Estates, is a moderate size 30~40 Circular upper half floor building. The top half is entirely Greenhouse Space, growing any foods, vegetables, fruits, trees, flowers, plants, etc. you want. The lower is where the people or migrants live .
There is also a Library School, Healthcare, and Store. Powered by the GEM.
In financing the building and then for new tenants to purchase and occupy, I have a new Banking Mortgage System that can be found online internet called " The Real Economic Plan "
You can also find out why I am in China in my article called "My China Story "
I was invited to China after personally seeing the 911inside job in NYC losing my job. No one will convince me it was done by a guy who lived in a Cave in Afghanistan.
Thermite residue was found throughout the 911 debris after the WTC buildings collapsed. The only people who use thermite is the US Military and Demolition Construction Companies. Building 7 also collapsed coming straight down demolition style, when no plane hit it.
After seeing that, losing my job, I had enough of living in the U.S. I wanted to leave. I was invited to China to teach English.
Living in the U.S. is nothing but a daily crime scene. Murder, Assassinations, Drug Gangs, Riots, Robbery, Wars. Corporate Managers who are Drug Dealers, even the Commander at the USAF Base in Arkansas, with Security Police doing drugs while on duty, guarding Nuclear Missiles.
Coming to China was when they had elections for China. Jiang Zemin was President then. But China is a lying thieving assaulting place, especially when Liar XiJinPing took over and made himself Emperor Dictator for life.
It was during his take over they stole my house and everything I owned inside in Nanning, after making me Honorary Citizen of Nanning .
Getting Citizenship in China was a big time Lie. They only want to Rob you, steal everything you have, assault you, illegally arrest you, and imprison you for following the Law.
Pay for a Lawyer who keeps your money and does nothing.
I am support to do my GEM Gods Electricity Machine Project.
● The Worldwide Project setup as explained for SkyGarden Estates, on the borders between Countries to implement the supporting of Human Rights Law concerning Immigration and Asylum Refugees.
●Even the U.K. needs this for refugees.
No need for building Walls, or Fences, or Militarized Bunkers, instead with the focus of having the means in supporting people from both sides of any border, as for instance in Ukraine and their neighbors, and as in the USA with Mexico.
●Myself I would use the idea to promote the path to resolution in stopping the War between Russia and Ukraine, with Russia having the money support it needs at the border and Ukraine having the support they need at their Border, for my Project.
Both sides develop toward ending conflict, instead of Land Grabbing, Annexation, while having no one is a loser.
Russia would be helped along side Ukraine, in promoting this. This stops the unnecessary Border Restrictions, without losing one's country ancestry.
● My GEM Project makes Pollution free Electricity, Water, New Air and Hydrogen Gas the most abundant infinite Pollution Free Energy Resource on Earth.
It is better than Solar and Wind Power needing no outside nature influence to operate. And will last over a human life time.
It can be placed anywhere, out of sight, and does not take up space, or distract natural scenery.
This means a viable infinite nonpolluting Hydrogen Gas to power Vehicles, Ships, and produce more Electricity.
And making it at Zero cost once its made and in operation. Electric vehicles today are a joke. They cause as much Pollution, especially from the Oil Coal powered Utility Companies.
● I left the USA after personally seeing the 911 attack in NYC losing my job. I was invited to China to teach English.
I have been in China and Hong Kong for 22 years now. Half of the time, I have been held up by seeking compensation from the China and Hong Kong Government for Robbery, Assault, and Illegal Arrest. They never pay or recognize their crimes to me. They are Liars and Thugs.
They stole my house I paid for and bought in Nanning, and also stole my Worldwide Train System idea, that XiJinPing used to make himself President of China. He calls it BRI, I call it the Worldwide Train System.
My idea was Trains cannot be hijacked by terrorist and flown into skyscrapers.
I pay money for a Lawyer and all they did was keep my money. They don't follow their own Laws.
They placed me in the Hong Kong NonRefoulement Program, knowing I refuse to live in the USA anymore.
They arrested me, claiming I overstay my Visa, but I didn't overstay. They lockdown the borders because of the Covid Virus. They caused the Overstay not me.
One Judge dismiss the charge not guilty, then 2 years later another Judge said Guilty, arresting me in the Courtroom, and put me in jail for 3 months.
I've been in their NonRefoulement Program since December 2020. And still in the Program today.
I want to stay in Hong Kong and not Communist Dictatorship China, who stole my house I paid for in Nanning, selling it for double the money and stealing everything inside I owned.
They don't allow me to work, which I say is illegal.
And also they have illegal Immigration Detention holding people for years. They can murder you, and no one know about it.
I am afraid they will kill me. I'm not allowed to work since they ended my job in 2012.
They don't follow their own Laws, dragging on the time frame, leaving me thinking they will make right the wrong they did to me, but don't.
They won't honor, their Laws. They are Liars, Thiefs, Assaulters, and Thugs.
I have this Banking Project to Finance it.
The GEM:
China XiJinPing stole my Worldwide Train System idea to make himself President of China. , that they call BRI and Silk Road Initiative. I didn't want to fly anymore after seeing the 911inside job, and believe a worldwide train system would be better to travel, knowing they can't hijack trains and fly into buildings, mountains, or into the Ocean.
I married a Chinese Widow who had 2 children, took care of for 8 years, and they never gave me Citizenship when the Law states 5 years can be Citizen.
They never gave me, or follow their own Laws. When XiJinPing came to power at the same time, my School Boss Mr. Li Cong end my job and Chinese Wife Divorce me, ending my Visa to kick me out of China.
I was told to go to Hong Kong to renew it. They refuse to renew it, and refuse to allow me to return to Nanning to my house. I bought the house from my School Boss, Li Cong.
They stole my house and everything I owned inside, and sold it for double the money, not telling me or giving me my money.
Trapped in Hong Kong not allowed to work, finding the Mormon Church where I met their Security Guard Ken Nip and invite me to stay at his place in Hong Kong.
I made friends with his friends, and was eventually able to renew my Visa at Grand Profit Travel Bureau.
I never understood why if Hong Kong Immigration deny me a Visa, how a Travel Bureau can grant me a Visa ?
I am 12 years in China, kicked out when XiJinPing took over the CCP using and stealing my Worldwide Train System idea. I wanted my house, and since they sold it illegally for double the money, I wanted my money.
11 years in Hong Kong, uselessly hoping China see their error and give me my money, to no avail. 12 years in China, no Citizenship.
11 years in Hong Kong no ID Card. 22 years total going through 2 riots in 2014 and 2019.
Riots I call Hong Kongs Tiananmen Square Events. It doesn't matter how many e-mails I write to the China Government.
They never answer, especially when it implicates and seeking what's mine from them.In 2014 Carrie Lam was Treasury Secretary.
She stole over 20 billion dollars from the Cultural Arts Jobs Bill project, meant to create jobs for Hong Kongers.
She gave the money to XiJinPing. He used the money to convince the CCP to later make him Dictator President Emperor of China.
Then without legislative approval used the money to put in Hong Kong Speed Train.
It didn't create the jobs for the Kowloon Community, but benefitted China State Owned Train Construction Company.
This caused the 2014 Riots which also added to the 2019 Riots. After Carrie Lam handed over the stolen 20 billion, XiJinPing made and appointed her as Hong Kongs Head CEO.
But even that wasn't enough for XiJinPing. He has insider thugs in Hong Kong MTR Maintenance Crew Corporation derailing the Trains, by placing unsecured steel rail guards along the tracks to derail them, and then blame the trains are too old, to use the excuse to take out the trains and put in new China trains, that will jack up the fare prices in an already collapsing Hong Kong Economy, and doing this crap during the Covid Virus.
How is the problem the trains, when an unsecured guard rail was planted by some Terrorist pro Beijing Insider thug to derail the train in Yau ma Tei ?
In 2019 Carrie Lam then tried to throw out the Hong Kong Rule of Law by calling for an Extradition Law to China which caused 2019 Riots, and the loss of life of 15 people, with POLICE shooting unarmed people.
What did the Extradition Law have to do with the Hong Konger Chan Tong~kai killing his girlfriend in Taiwan?

Carrie Lam later retracted the Extradition Law, with no consequences or forced to resign or face charges for causing the Riots, and loss of life.
I was assaulted and knocked out with a swollen BLACK EYE, for telling Rioters to Stop Destroying Property, because how can I renew my Visa for Hong Kong with a destroyed MTR and blocked Streets?
How do I safely go across the border to renew my Visa Time Stay?
Instead the China Government release the Covid Virus they created in Wuhan Virology Biolab that caused them to Lockdown the Border.
They Lock down the borders February 5, 2020.
Yes China created the Virus, being paid with Grant Funds by USA Biolab Researcher Ralph Baric.
The U.S. paid millions of dollars to XiJinPing, him knowing exactly how much and what Biolab will get funded.
~Wet Markets have been around since ancient days in China, and no virus infected them for over 5000 years, so how does a wet market suddenly be the cause of the deadly Covid Virus during the 2019 Riots in Hong Kong ?
Both the Corrupt US and China would benefit was their plan.
The U.S. benefit was to use Covid as the blame card and intentional cover up of Asbestos deaths that had Millions in dollars of Lawsuits the US Government Thugliticians in Swampington DC could not payout.
They are the same insiders who orchestrated the 911inside Thermite job.
When they built the WTC it was packed full of asbestos.
People were dying from Asbestos Cancer and suing for millions of dollars. They couldn't rent Office space in the WTC; people were leaving, it was too expensive to remove the Asbestos, because if they paid all that money, it would shut down the Asbestos Industry, which they still manufacture and use.
Do they ban Asbestos in the USA?
No they don't ! And the U.S. gets asbestos exports from Russia.
They couldn't sell the WTC Buildings when full of asbestos, so they insured the buildings for Billions of dollars, and orchestrated the 911inside job.
The U.S. 911 insiders insured the WTC for Billions of dollars in Terrorism Insurance via Larry Silverstein.
They then Falsely increase the Military Budget at the Pentagon for Trillions of dollars and waged War on Fake Terrorists in Afghanistan and targeted Iraq because they are both near Iran who was and still is developing Nuclear Weapons.
Bush administration and associates owned OIL wells in Kuwait, and sold Chemical weapons to Saddam in his War against Iran.
~ Because they locked down the border because of Covid , my Visa Overstay happened.
I wrote several emails to Hong Kong Immigration and Government in what to do, and they never reply.
I was arrested and went to Court in December 2, 2020 to have Judge Jason Wen of Sha Tin Magistrate Court DISMISS AND WITHDREW the Charge. ~ NOT GUILTY~ .
He also dismiss other foreigners for Overstay as well. He told and advise me to sign up for Hong Kong Nonrefoulement Program.
I didn't know what it was, until later reporting to ISS, International Social Services in Kwun Tong.
I was told its about Asylum, since I didn't want to return to the U.S. In the Nonrefoulement Program I am told I can apply for LEGAL Aid.
This Aid I wanted to get compensation for being assaulted by Riot Thugs and my Lawsuit included many factors.
It included illegal corruption of and by the Hong Kong and China Government. It included getting my money from my house the China Government stole from me in Nanning.
It included being assaulted by a guy named Chu Sum Yan who stole my suitcases, with all my personal belongings...with Tseung Kwan O Police aiding him, by refusing to allow me to take my stuff, allowing him to break into my suitcases and rob me.
I filed Assault and Theft Charges against him, and they do nothing.
My belongings included Birth Certificate, Diplomas, Bank Statements, Work Contracts, my house receipts, Marriage Book, and her Divorce to me, my Honorary Citizen Award of Nanning, Drivers License, 2 iPhones, Honorable Discharge Papers, photo's, address book, Nanning Lawyer information, Hong Kong Immigration Visa information, and the Travel Bureau who gave me the Visa.
~I am caught up in going to their Court proceedings, with them denying me Aid, and going through Appeals, also denied, to then be recharged, with the Overstay Visa Charge, that Judge Jason Wen in Sha Tin Court dismissed.
Then 2 years later, another Judge David Cheung recharge me for the very same offense.
How do they do this? They put me on Trial for 2 days, and the Judge declares me GUILTY.
How does he find me guilty, when the first judge said Not Guilty?
And the Bail then was only 20hkd twenty HongKong dollars.
After declaring me GUILTY 7~8 Police jump me in the Courtroom and threw me to the floor, grabbing me by the throat choking me, arresting me and throwing me in jail taking my brief case, and iphone and my Court papers.
They sent me to a Psych Hospital and threw me in a Padded Cell, no Windows, no Fan, or A/C. They fed me food in a box thrown into a corner near the door, next to the box they want me to piss and poop in.
I was in there for a week listening to people banging the doors, yelling. Everynight a Guard would come in and bang a large wooden stick around the cell as if threatening me.
I refused to shower with other prisoners. They took me out and sent me to Queen Elizabeth Hospital. I refused to eat their dirty food.
I took many Covid Tests and I never have or had the Virus, nor taken the Vaccine.
Why would I take a vaccine by the Thug U.S., China and Hong Kong Government, who created the Virus ?
At Queen Elizabeth Hospital they strap me to a bed hands on either side strapped to the bed rails, including my feet.
They tortured me, by leaving me like that for 4 days. Never allowed up to use the toilet, wash my face, shave, blow my nose, scratch my head, or rub my eyes. "4 DAYS".
Then a nurse came and release me and took me to Lai Chi kok Jail. Terribly Sad and Scarey is that Queen Elizabeth in the UK passed away the very same time, they torture me strapped to a bed for 4 days at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong.
At Lai Chi kok jail I was locked in with several inmates. One wanted to fight me.
I called the Correction Officer who moved me to another more crowded Jail cell. That was very horrible because most of the inmates were tattoo freaks all over their bodies, walking around with no clothes, always near the Restroom, where a Fat guy would give them 1 Cigarette to share between 3-5 inmates not wearing a mask.
The Corrections Officer gave them the Cigarettes, and have no idea how they claim there is a Covid Virus.!
I was tested every morning, and do not have or had the Virus. They release me from there and sent to the Immigration Dention Center in Mong kok, placed with 8 other inmates in a cell with an open toilet, where no privacy with everyone watching you use the toilet.
I asked many times for a lawyer, they never allow me to have. I was in Jail for 3 months, for doing nothing wrong.
One Judge said not guilty another says guilty 2 years later. Judge David Cheung is a LIAR, never mentioning the Covid Border Lockdown in the Court, or the Court Documents. Hong Kong is a Liar Criminal Dictator Government.
China uses Hong Kong to get money for their Criminal ambitions with Terrorist Putin in Russia, KimJong Un in N. Korea, and their Dictator Military to invade Taiwan.
No one should believe a word they say. They only rob and assault you later. Never go to China. And forget about the USA.
The U.S. invented the Atomic Bomb and has caused this on going Nightmare of Nuclear threats in the world. You'd think China would be thankful to the USA in stopping Japan by nuking them twice, killing more Japanese, than the Japanese killed Chinese in Nanjing Massacre.
BUT NO! The U.S. supported Chiang kai shek in fighting the Japanese in China.
Is or was China Thankful? No!
Instead there was Mao Zedong the Dictator carrying on China Dynasty madness, in murdering fellow Chinese so he could become the new China Dictator Emperor.
Instead of carrying on yet another Civil War in China, Chiang kai shek went to Taiwan.
Taiwan wants Democracy. China intent on taking over Taiwan proves they still want a Civil war and not respect Chiang kai shek who left Mainland China to promote peace by going to Taiwan with the hope China someday becomes Democratic.
China has been fighting Chinese for 5000 years. You may as well conclude one Dynasty after another, that China has been in a perpetual 5000 year CIVIL WAR.
China didn't build the Great Wall to keep out Britain or Foreigners. It was built to keep out Chinese.
Genghis Khan had the biggest Empire in the world in his day. I'm surprised Dictator Shitjinping aka XiJinPing doesn't look at Genghis Kahn Territory conquests the same as his demented claim over Taiwan.
Chinese like to blame the British for Opium, but never consider the UK came to get Chinese to stop fighting each other. Opium has a pain relief effect, that calms oneself therefore things down, and is the source where modern day medicine gets morphine and codeine from to perform surgery during medical operations.
The U.K. introduce Democracy to China during those so called opium war days. Those 2 Wars were really Democracy against China Dynasty Dictatorship.
China and Britain signed an agreement where Britain gained Hong Kong for 100 years .
And during that time Hong Kong flourished while ultimately the China Dynasty they signed the agreement with COLLAPSED!
And was no longer. China CCP is an illegitimate Stand in Party because they never signed the agreement and they don't and never claim to be a Dynasty.
Margaret Thatcher was mistaken to think there was a handback.
The fact is DengXiaoping supported Elections in China. Doing so prevented the massive number of Citizens in China seeking to come to Hong Kong to leave China, and how he got the support in building and modernizing China especially in Shenzhen.
Until 2012 when XiJinPing the Dictator came along, and the exodus began with Chinese fleeing into Hong Kong.
So many Chinese in Hong Kong cause Employment problems, and the high nonstop cost to housing, while China Real Estate is a Fraud with 64 million empty homes in various Provinces called Ghost Cities, Bank defaults, and Bankruptcies.
Again Chinese fighting Chinese from the Riots in 2014 and 2019 because of XiJinPing the Liar Dictator.
If you don't think so, ask yourself why DengXiaoping didn't invade Hong Kong with Tanks like in Beijing?
Because he knew the wealth and prosperity came from Hong Kong via the UK, and did not come from Pro Democracy Protestors, because they had no wealth, but was due to the same insane Collapsing Condition all Chinese Dynasties faced, throughout their Corrupt History.
Shenzhen proves it, since it was right on the border of Hong Kong.
~My invention the GEM is a very good and realistic means to produce safe nonpolluting energy.
I refuse to do it in the USA, China. I want nothing to do with them. My GEM "Gods Electricity Machine " will reverse Climate change.
Need to convince Germany to steer clear of China and their Spy Trade Syndication.
Germany will have the GEM, to build up Germany Manufacturing and Germany's own Speed Train Rail System, and Trade Transport Rail, that can be used to help Ukraine to rebuild, and have their own Ukraine Train Rail, using the GEM for safe bomb proof Electricity.
Then we help all the EU Countries, and NATO to have the GEM. The GEM has special nonfriction rotars, and creates not only Pollution Free Electricity, but also Water, New Air, and Hydrogen Gas at zero cost once the machine is made and paid.
The New Air and Hydrogen Gas are two other nonpolluting energy resources that can produce even more Electricity as abundant nonstop infinite Energy Resources in creating Pollution Free Electricity.
One of the main issues I have, is the GEM is NOT For Sale as being a Corporate Clean Energy Provider, in order to keep it out of the hands of so called Billionaire wackjobs like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Trumps, Bill Gates, and especially US, China, Russian, Dictator THUGs including MBS in Saudi Arabia.
. People need to stop listening to the China rhetoric, and encourage them to become Democratic. This includes Hong Kong.
China helps Russia, and N. Korea, with their nuclear madness. Once China becomes Democratic, then there is no more Taiwan problems.
●No one should Trust China or their Trade Exports, because they can install a Military Nuclear bomb, inside the Cargo container, even have a trucker drive it into Berlin, and blackmail Berlin or blow them off the map, or anywhere really in the interior regions of the EU, UK, France, Germany, US. Etc.
They can also install hidden cameras, to gain information for invasions, takeovers sabotage, to Aid the Russia invasion of Ukraine to eventually retake Berlin.
If you remember the Berlin Wall fell when KGB Putin was stationed in Germany, during his watch, now wants to retake Germany.
This is Putins main goal.
Also Nicholas of Russia married a German as his wife. Was the Russian royal family German?
The Romanovs were originally one of two dozen Russian noble families before rising to become tsars.
The family originated in Germany. All of the Romanov leaders took German consorts as their wife, including Czar NicholasII.
● Putin's Ukraine war is about taking over Germany, and eventually the EU, to unite Russian and German History, as before Lenin and Stalin. *
China lies about the number of people in Covid Statistics. There is medicine that cures the virus, and the fact that alcohol kills the virus.
XiJinPing zero Covid Virus Policy is used to track and control people where they go and what they do assuring total control to maintain his Dictator Agenda.
He is a liar and fraud. Ask yourself if Mao Zedong was alive right now, would he approve XiJingPing taking over his job as Chairman, after Mao cast XiJinPing and his father out from the CCP?
Absolutely NOT!
Even XiJinPing not listening to his own Father, with him praising other CCP fathers other than his own, to claim Emperor control over China Government like the failed Dynasties of China's corrupt murdering historical past.
● Concerning the threats of War in Asia, over N.Korea and Taiwan; the US , South Korea and Japan should locate and recover the fired missiles by N. Korea and China, that submerged into the Ocean and retrieve them to inspect and acquire information markings on them, that N. Korea missile parts come from China and or Russia and Iran.
Then to have the evidence in who is supplying these missile components to Kim Jong Un. To then replicate and threaten China and Russia with them to ponder the fact and Risk that N. Korea will launch these missiles into Beijing China and easily reach into Russian Cities.
This would be a strategy to get N. KOREA to stop sending off missiles that are Nuclear loaded and conventional missiles. And to do the same with Missiles fired by Russia into Ukraine, to then replicate and use against China, because Russia is angry now at China for leaning toward and eventually cooperating with the U.S.
Then locate the missiles China fired over Taiwan and replicate them as well, to use against Russia and N. Korea.China for years have used US and UK western ideas and technology against Democracies.
Why not return the favor?
Hong Kong is in a new Era of total control, according to U.S. China Economic & Security Review Commission Report; with a rubber stamp legislature and vanished freedoms, with subordination to Beijing Dictatorship Xi hand picking Hong Kong Chief Executive controlling all branches of Government, including the Private Sector and Immigration to so called Dictator Patriots.
Hong Kong also losing Christian Freedom of Religion after the arrest and prosecution of Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze kium.
● There were NO riots in Hong Kong when DengXiaoping was President of China, even during and after Tiananmen Square.
There were NO riots in Hong Kong when Jiang Zemin was President, and NO riots when HuJintao was President, because they supported Elections and the opening up Reforms and results of DengXiaoping.
The Riots occurred during the XiJinPing take over and Dictatorship, as the downward spiral continues, because Dictatorships always fail.
XiJinPing being pals, and paid off by the U.S. 911 inside job orchestraitors who are in Government stealing trillions of dollars.
One of the reasons I don't want to be a US Citizen after personally seeing the 911inside job that day.
I was invited to China for a new job teaching English when Jiang Zemin was President. Later in time after HuJintao Presidency;
● XiJinPing steals my Worldwide Train System idea, and changes the name to BRI, ends my Job to kick me out of China, stealing my house, I bought from my Chinese Boss Li Cong, and stealing Everything I owned inside. Ending my job, that ended my Visa and told to go to Hong Kong to renew it, with Hong Kong Immigration refusing to renew it, and Mainland Immigration refusing to allow me to return to Nanning to my house.
Them stealing it, and selling it for double the money without asking or telling me, and not givjng me my money.
I was robbed, lied to, assaulted, and illegally arrested and thrown in jail for 3 months.
Build my GEM Project.
What you forget? Kim Jong Un of N. Korea talked everyone in giving him nuclear energy. Then he converted into nuclear weapons.
Nuclear needs to be banned in space, or we all become slaves to China and Russia. ° .
Also having UN Currency Debt Elimination Program allows the UN to buy desolate property around the world, and convert to liveable areas, establishing new Environments, and using my GEM Electricity Machine and Greenhouse Housing Projects to be used by refugees and immigrants.
●●●This will halt and stop the flow of immigrants coming into the EU and UK.
There will be Library Schools, Healthcare, meaning how to care for oneself, so you don't need useless vaccines.
And setup their own pollution free Train and Electric Golf Cart type transportation.
Ocean water can be used, to setup Salt Lake areas, to bring Water into the areas to create evaporation and rain in the area, with the GEM powering Desalination plants creating fresh water, and can also create floating Cities and neighborhoods that help migrants and provide the solution to reverse Climate Change.